yum is a package management command-line tool used in Red Hat-based systems (such as CentOS and Fedora) to install, update, and manage software packages. This cheat sheet covers essential yum commands for package management.
yum simplifies the process of managing software packages on Red Hat-based systems. It handles package installation, updates, removals, and dependency resolution.
Basic Commands:
sudo yum install [package]
Install a specific package.
sudo yum remove [package]
Remove a specific package.
sudo yum update
Update all installed packages to the latest versions.
sudo yum upgrade
Upgrade the entire system, including installed packages.
sudo yum search [keyword]
Search for packages containing the specified keyword.
sudo yum list installed
List all installed packages.
sudo yum info [package]
Display detailed information about a package.
Repository Management:
sudo yum repolist
List enabled repositories.
sudo yum-config-manager --enable [repository]
Enable a repository.
sudo yum-config-manager --disable [repository]
Disable a repository.
sudo yum clean all
Clean the package cache and metadata for all repositories.
sudo yum makecache
Generate the metadata cache used by yum.
Dependency Resolution:
sudo yum deplist [package]
List dependencies for a package.
sudo yum check
Check for and resolve dependency issues.
System Information:
yum list updates
List packages with available updates.
yum history
Display a history of transactions.
yum info yum
Display information about the yum package.
sudo yum clean packages
Remove old package files from the cache.
sudo yum install yum-utils
Install yum-utils package for additional utilities.
sudo yum downgrade [package]
Downgrade a package to a specific version.
sudo yum check-update
Check for available package updates.
yum is a powerful package management tool for Red Hat-based systems, providing a straightforward way to install, update, and manage software packages. This cheat sheet covers essential commands for day-to-day package management tasks. Whether you are a system administrator or a user on a Red Hat-based system, mastering these commands will help you efficiently manage software on your system.