The passwd command in Unix-like operating systems is used for changing user passwords. It provides various options for password management. This cheat sheet covers essential passwd commands for users and system administrators.


The passwd command is a crucial tool for managing user passwords on Unix-based systems. It allows users to change their own passwords and administrators to modify other user accounts.

Basic Commands:

passwdChange the password for the current user.
passwd [username]Change the password for a specific user (requires sudo).
passwd -l [username]Lock the password of a user account.
passwd -u [username]Unlock the password of a previously locked account.
passwd -d [username]Delete the password of a user account (set to empty).

Password Policies:

passwd -e [username]Expire the password of a user, forcing them to change it on next login.
passwd -n [min_days] [username]Set the minimum number of days between password changes.
passwd -x [max_days] [username]Set the maximum number of days a password is valid.

Administrative Commands:

passwd -S [username]Display the password status (age, expire, etc.) for a user.
passwd -l -e [date] [username]Lock and expire a user account on a specific date.
passwd -S -aDisplay password status for all user accounts.
`passwd -S -aawk ‘$2 ~ /LK/ {print $1}’`

Security Tips:

passwd --stdin [username]Set the password from standard input (useful for scripts).
passwd --warndays [days] [username]Set the number of days before a password expires to give a warning.
passwd --mindays [days] [username]Set the minimum number of days between password changes.
passwd --maxdays [days] [username]Set the maximum number of days a password is valid.


passwd --statusDisplay the password status for the current user.
passwd --helpDisplay help and usage information for passwd.


The passwd command is a fundamental tool for managing user passwords on Unix-like systems. This cheat sheet provides essential commands for users and administrators to change passwords, set password policies, and perform administrative tasks. Whether you are an individual user or a system administrator, these commands will help you effectively manage user passwords on your Unix-based system.