Populating drupal nodes from a csv file
If you have lots of data that you need to post on your drupal site, you import is and use it to populate drupal nodes. This way you would not…
Simply Explaining Technology
If you have lots of data that you need to post on your drupal site, you import is and use it to populate drupal nodes. This way you would not…
To remove the authoring information you can simply edit the content type as follows: Go to Administration > Structure > Content Types > edit > Display settings Uncheck “Display author…
When you set site maintenance to offline, you lose the link to you login form as well. To get the login form, you need to do the following: Do not…
If you are running a windows system, it can be difficult to setup several pristine drupal development environments. The simple solution is to install a virtual machine, setup your drupal…
Drupal can be very memory intensive CMS, especially if you have lots of menus, blocks and modules. If you exhaust the allowed memory size, you would get an error such…
A red error message displaying on your webpage, visible to every visitor is the worst thing you can do to your site. Unfortunately, drupal displays error messages on the screen…
To access remote files, you need to either SSH or FTP into a server. If you have an SSH account, you can use the server’s command line software to edit…
Setting up clean URLs Drupal URLs have the format http://www.molecularsciences.org/?q=node/11. ‘?q=’ does not look very nice in the URL. It also hinders using meaningful URLs. Search engines such as google…
This article explains how to port drupal configurations from one site to another. First we will create a custom content type and then port it over to another drupal site.…
Decode function has the same functionality as an IF-THEN-ELSE statement. It is present in Oracle 9i and above. It has the syntax For example, This is like saying the following…