The Visitor Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that defines a mechanism for separating the algorithms from the objects on which they operate. It allows you to define a new operation without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates. The pattern achieves this by representing the operations as visitor objects that can visit and perform actions on different elements in a structure.

Let’s explore the details of the Visitor Pattern, covering its intent, structure, implementation considerations, and use cases.


The primary intent of the Visitor Pattern is to define a new operation to be performed on the elements of an object structure without changing the classes of those elements. It enables the addition of new operations without modifying the existing classes, promoting flexibility and extensibility.


The key components of the Visitor Pattern include:

  1. Visitor:
    • Declares a visiting operation for each class of ConcreteElement in the object structure. The operation’s signature includes the ConcreteElement type to ensure the correct visit.
  2. ConcreteVisitor:
    • Implements the operations declared by the Visitor interface. Each ConcreteVisitor provides a specific implementation for visiting each ConcreteElement type.
  3. Element:
    • Defines an accept method that takes a Visitor as an argument. This method is implemented by each ConcreteElement to allow the Visitor to visit the element.
  4. ConcreteElement:
    • Represents an element in the object structure. Each ConcreteElement class implements the accept method to enable a Visitor to visit and operate on the element.
  5. ObjectStructure:
    • Maintains a collection of elements and provides a method for accepting visitors. This allows visitors to traverse and perform operations on the elements in the structure.

Implementation Considerations:

Open-Closed Principle:

  • The Visitor Pattern adheres to the open-closed principle, allowing the addition of new operations without modifying the existing code.

Element Independence:

  • The pattern allows operations to be defined outside the class hierarchy of the elements, promoting independence between elements and operations.


  • While the Visitor Pattern provides flexibility, it can introduce additional complexity, especially for small and simple object structures.

Example Implementation in Python:

Let’s consider an example where the Visitor Pattern is used to implement a visitor that calculates the total price of items in a shopping cart:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

# Visitor
class ShoppingCartVisitor(ABC):
    def visit_book(self, book):

    def visit_fruit(self, fruit):

# ConcreteVisitor
class PriceCalculator(ShoppingCartVisitor):
    def visit_book(self, book):
        return book.price

    def visit_fruit(self, fruit):
        return fruit.price_per_kg * fruit.weight

# Element
class ShoppingCartItem(ABC):
    def accept(self, visitor):

# ConcreteElement
class Book(ShoppingCartItem):
    def __init__(self, title, price):
        self.title = title
        self.price = price

    def accept(self, visitor):
        return visitor.visit_book(self)

# ConcreteElement
class Fruit(ShoppingCartItem):
    def __init__(self, name, price_per_kg, weight): = name
        self.price_per_kg = price_per_kg
        self.weight = weight

    def accept(self, visitor):
        return visitor.visit_fruit(self)

# ObjectStructure
class ShoppingCart:
    def __init__(self):
        self.items = []

    def add_item(self, item):

    def calculate_total_price(self, visitor):
        total_price = sum(item.accept(visitor) for item in self.items)
        print(f"Total Price: ${total_price:.2f}")

# Usage
book = Book("Design Patterns", 30.0)
apple = Fruit("Apple", 2.0, 1.5)
orange = Fruit("Orange", 1.5, 2.0)

shopping_cart = ShoppingCart()

price_calculator = PriceCalculator()

In this example, ShoppingCartVisitor is the Visitor interface, PriceCalculator is a ConcreteVisitor providing an implementation for calculating prices, ShoppingCartItem is the Element interface, and Book and Fruit are ConcreteElement classes representing items in the shopping cart. The ShoppingCart is the ObjectStructure that maintains a collection of items.

Use Cases:

  1. Adding Operations to Object Structures:
    • When there is a need to add new operations to a group of classes without modifying their code.
  2. Separating Concerns:
    • When it’s important to separate the concerns of an object structure from the algorithms operating on that structure.
  3. Performing Operations on Hierarchies:
    • When operations need to be performed on complex object hierarchies without cluttering the classes with these operations.
  4. Double Dispatch:
    • When double dispatch is needed, meaning the operation to be executed depends on both the type of the visitor and the type of the element being visited.

Pros and Cons:


  • Open for Extension:
    • New operations can be added without modifying the existing classes, adhering to the open-closed principle.
  • Clean Separation:
    • Separates the concerns of object structures and operations, making the system more modular and maintainable.
  • Double Dispatch:
    • Supports double dispatch, allowing the execution of operations based on both the type of the visitor and the type of the element.


  • Complexity:
    • Introduces additional complexity, especially for small and simple object structures.
  • Increased Number of Classes:
    • The pattern may lead to an increased number of classes, which can be overwhelming for small projects.
  • Learning Curve:
    • Developers need to understand the Visitor Pattern and its implementation to use it effectively.


The Visitor Pattern is a valuable design pattern for separating algorithms from the objects on which they operate. It promotes flexibility and extensibility by allowing the addition of new operations without modifying existing classes. Understanding the principles and use cases of the Visitor Pattern is essential for effectively applying it in real-world scenarios.