This post show how to convert XML to JSON using PHP code.
json_encode() function converts valid XML to JSON
Following is example:
In this example, we have an empty data.json file and a data.xml with the following content
<staff> <employee> <name id="1">Alice</name> <dob>January 1, 2000</dob> </employee> <employee> <name id="2">Bob</name> <dob>December 31, 2000</dob> </employee> </staff>
The following code will read this XML file, generate JSON and output it to data.json file.
<?php $myJSON = fopen("data.json", "w"); $myXML = simplexml_load_file("data.xml"); fwrite($myJSON, json_encode($myXML)); fclose($myJSON); ?>
Line 1: opens data.json file with “w” option meaning you can write content to it
Line 2: opens data.xml file and loads its data. Note the use of simple_load_file() function.
Line 3: converts XML to JSON and writes the JSON into data.json file. Note the use of json_encode() function to convert data.
Line 4: closes data.json file for writing
{ "staff": { "employee": [ { "name": { "-id": "1", "#text": "Alice" }, "dob": "January 1, 2000" }, { "name": { "-id": "2", "#text": "Bob" }, "dob": "December 31, 2000" } ] } }